feature richness
A measure of the abundance and quality of the features offered by a product.
A measure of the abundance and quality of the features offered by a product.
fourth-generation languages (4GL)
4GLs are characterized by natural language-like commands and/or application generators. 4GLs are typically easier to use than traditional procedural languages. They can be employed by end users to develop applications quickly.
function paths
The logic paths that are taken when a program function is executed.
function points
A synthetic software metric that is composed of the weighted totals of inputs, outputs, inquiries, logical files or user data groups, and interfaces belonging to an application.
function test
A test of program functions normally conducted from the user interface.
fundamental metric
A measurement of a physical quantity, where what is measured is the name of the metric, for example, errors per 100 lines of code.
graphical user interface (GUI)
Computer user interface where the user can manipulate objects to accomplish tasks.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
incremental delivery
A strategy for delivering a system to the users in increments. Each increment delivered adds function to the previous product. Such systems are generally delivered using incremental development or modular development techniques.
incremental development
Modules that implement function to be delivered are developed and unit tested; then they are assembled, integrated into the existing system, and tested as they become available. The system is stabilized after each addition. Theoretically, this means that there is always a stable version ready to be shipped.
independent function paths
The discrete logical paths that can be executed through a function in an application or a system where each one is independent from the others.
integration test
This is the process where systems are built. Units that make up a system are combined, and the interfaces and data flow within the system are tested. Units are usually added one at a time, and the system's stability is reestablished before the next unit is added.
One who integrates.
The quality or state of being complete; unbroken condition; wholeness.
1. To come upon, meet, or discover. 2. To think up; devise or fabricate in the mind [to invent excuses]. 3. To think out or produce [a new device process, etc.]; originate, as by experiment; devise for the first time. (Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language, Second College Edition, Prentice Hall, 1984)
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