Testing Levels / Phases

Testing levels or phases should be applied against the application under test when the previous phase of testing is deemed to be complete . or .complete enough.. Any defects detected during any level or phase of testing need to be recorded and acted on appropriately.

Design Review
"The objective of Design Reviews is to verify all documented design criteria before development begins." The design deliverable or deliverables to be reviewed should be complete within themselves. The environment of the review should be a professional examination of the deliverable with the focus being the deliverable not the author (or authors). The review must ensure each design deliverable for: completeness, correctness, and fit (both within the business model, and system architecture).
Design reviews should be conducted by: system matter experts, testers, developers, and system architects to ensure all aspects of the design are reviewed.

Unit Test
"The objective of unit test is to test every line of code in a component or module." The unit of code to be tested can be tested independent of all other units. The environment of the test should be isolated to the immediate development environment and have little, if any, impact on other units being developed at the same time. The test data can be fictitious and does not have to bear any relationship to .real world. business events. The test data need only consist of what is required to ensure that the component and component interfaces conform to the system architecture. The unit test must ensure each component: compiles, executes, interfaces, and passes control from the unit under test to the next component in the process according to the process model.
The developer in conjunction with a peer should conduct unit test to ensure the component is stable enough to be released into the product stream.

Function Test
"The objective of function test is to measure the quality of the functional (business) components of the system." Tests verify that the system behaves correctly from the user / business perspective and functions according to the requirements, models, storyboards, or any other design paradigm used to specify the application. The function test must determine if each component or business event: performs in accordance to the specifications, responds correctly to all conditions that may be presented by incoming events / data, moves data correctly from one business event to the next (including data stores), and that business events are initiated in the order required to meet the business objectives of the system.
Function test should be conducted by an independent testing organization to ensure the various components are stable and meet minimum quality criteria before proceeding to System test.

System Test
"The objective of system test is to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the system in the "real-world" environment." System tests are based on business processes (workflows) and performance criteria rather than processing conditions. The system test must determine if the deployed system: satisfies the operational and technical performance criteria, satisfies the business requirements of the System Owner / Users / Business Analyst, integrates properly with operations (business processes, work procedures, user guides), and that the business objectives for building the system were attained.

There are many aspects to System testing the most common are:
Security Testing: The tester designs test case scenarios that attempt to subvert or bypass security.
Stress Testing: The tester attempts to stress or load an aspect of the system to the point of failure; the goal being to determine weak points in the system architecture.
Performance Testing: The tester designs test case scenarios to determine if the system meets the stated performance criteria (i.e. A Login request shall be responded to in 1 second or less under a typical daily load of 1000 requests per minute.)
Install (Roll-out) Testing: The tester designs test case scenarios to determine if the installation procedures lead to an invalid or incorrect installation.
Recovery Testing: The tester designs test case scenarios to determine if the system meets the stated fail-over and recovery requirements.
System test should be conducted by an independent testing organization to ensure the system is stable and meets minimum quality criteria before proceeding to User Acceptance test.

User Acceptance Test

"The objective of User Acceptance test is for the user community to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the system in the "real-world" environment.". User Acceptance test is based on User Acceptance criteria, which can include aspects of Function and System test. The User Acceptance test must determine if the deployed system: meets the end Users expectations, supports all operational requirements (both recorded and non-recorded), and fulfills the business objectives (both recorded and non-recorded) for the system.
User Acceptance test should be conducted by the end users of the system and monitored by an independent testing organization. The Users must ensure the system is stable and meets the minimum quality criteria before proceeding to system deployment (roll-out).

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